Create Ad Campaigns

1、Click Create Ad Campaigns

You may this page after login

2、Personalize the details of advertisement

  • Enter the advertisement name

  • Upload advertising picture with a proper size

  • Enter the displaying times (at least 1,000 times). The maximum is calculated with the value retained in your wallet

  • Choose the type of clicking transitions

3、Submit and go to pay

Confirm the transaction details

Once you confirmed the transaction, we will receive AD Token and display your advertisement.

Example of settling payment with MetaMask wallet

Remind : If you have enough AD Token in wallet, we will subtract AD Token and will not ask you to pay for AD Token.

Retained AD Token is returned to your wallet after advertisement displaying (reminded not returned to wallet). Your next advertising will subtract your retained AD Token. Only when you do not have enough AD Token, it will require to pay for AD Token.

Last updated